Saturday, May 25, 2019

Dial "H" for Hero #3

   So I've been wavering back and forth on the new Dial "H" for Hero series.

   As a fan of the original, I was hoping for something more along those lines - but this is a different beast.

   Instead of focusing on new, original heroes (in the first series, you'd get three different heroes in each adventure), this series is more about individual heroes who represent a particular genre - from the steroid-and-pouch-laden heroes of the grim and gritty era to this issue, which takes aim at one of DC's cherished hallmarks.

   It's all handled with good cheer and some clever bits of business.

   There's still a lot of mystery boiling away here - why does the dial look like a classic "hotline" rotary phone? Who is Mr. Thunderbolt? Who's the voice on the other end of the line? Why is the dial so addictive?

   Those points push the story forward, and along with the two young determined young protagonists, there's a lot to like here. 

   I'm hooked!

Grade: A-



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read all three this weekend and liked it. Great art and I like how the book "changes" based on the hero selected. I'm interested to see where it goes....