So for six issues we've seen the "Trinity War" play out in the pages of Justice League, Justice League Dark and Justice League of America, with assorted mysteries, murders and mayhem to sort out. Did Superman murder another hero? What is the secret of Pandora's Box? Who is The Outsider working for? What shocking event will happen at the end of this issue to catapult the DC Universe into the next big event?
Surprisingly enough, all those answers are finally revealed in this issue!
Writer Geoff Johns brings his "A" game here, pulling together all the plot threads he's carefully prepared over the course of this series. The issue is a series of big moments, with one revelation (or shock) after another.
The art by Ivan Reis is terrific, loaded with splash pages, stunning visuals and great layouts. Very impressive!
My only real complaint with the issue is that we get to the end of the "War" - and it doesn't end! It just jumps right into the next event - but since it looks like a good one, we can forgive that oversight.
I have to admit, I had my doubts about this series - and I still think it was more overcrowded than it needed to be - but give the creative team credit for putting together a strong finish, and a powerful start for Forever Evil!
Grade: A
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