Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Farewell to Ray Bradbury

Sad to note the passing of legendary author Ray Bradbury, as reported by iO9.

I've been a longtime fan of his work, including The Illustrated Man, The Martian Chronicles and Fahrenheit 451, among many others, and I'm sorry to hear of his passing, though he certainly had a great run at 91 years old.

His passing marks, in many ways, the end of the Golden Age of Science Fiction and Fantasy authors. He was considered one of the "ABCs" of SF - Asimov, Bradbury and Clarke - all gone now.

Bradbury was the most poetic of the bunch, not as inclined to "hard SF" as to lyrical SF - but his writing was (and is) wonderful stuff - a craftsman to the end.

A sad day for readers all over the world.

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