As a complete pro (and an outstanding writer), Mark Waid also knows how to make his readership happy.
When teamed with legendary artist Walt Simonson on the Indestructible Hulk, Waid writes a story to warm the heart of any longtime fan: he sends Bruce Banner into Asgard and into danger, where he can team up with The Mighty Thor.
(For those young'uns out there who don't know, Simonson had a long, outstanding run on Thor's comic, creating some of the most memorable and entertaining stories ever.)
But it's not just any Thor - it's the classic version, with the Kirby costume and the dialogue with lots of "thees" and "thous."
It's all a bit silly, but it's a heck of a lot of fun, and the ending should be a surprise to anyone who saw The Avengers movie.
This has been a terrific series under Waid - highly recommended!
Grade: A-
Yeah, I picked the first two but I'm behind in all my comic reading, looking forward to this one though.
I share your pain! I've made some inroads of late into the stack o' comics I have waiting, but I still have a ways to go.
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