Sunday, May 8, 2022

Farewell to Neal Adams and George Perez

     In the past week comics fans have been forced to say goodbye to two beloved artists who provided us all with untold hours of entertainment.

   Of course, I'm talking about Neal Adams, who passed away last week, and George Perez, who passed on  Friday.

     Adams has been active in the business since the '60s, working on virtually every title in the DC Comics pantheon (including Jerry Lewis and Bob Hope).

    Of course, his lasting mark was on his redesign of Batman into a creature of the night. But he actually left his mark on every character he tackled, including this milestone issue for Superman - and he also drew the huge Superman vs. Muhammad Ali Treasury Edition, which I consider one of the all-time greatest single issues published. 

    Most people compliment Adams on his photorealistic style, but I don't agree with that (most of his drawings would not be confused with real life, after all) - but his style was much more detailed and naturalistic than anything that had gone before. I was an instant fan of his work.

    I didn't really see his art until he moved over to Marvel - his first work was on the X-Men, a title that had just been through a few amazing issues drawn by Jim Steranko (another titanic talent). 

   I clearly remember seeing the splash page for his first issue and thinking, "Why is Steranko signing his name 'Neal Adams'?" (I eventually figured it out.)

    It was his work on that series - and everything that followed, from Avengers to Justice League to Green Lantern and on and on - that made me a fan for life.

    Of course, there are other reasons to be a fan of Adams - he worked hard to help others out in the field and improve conditions for the creative talents of the future.

    Comics artists and writers were once paid poorly - but these days, you can make a good living in the industry.

    For that, for his inspiration to innumerable artists and writers, and for a lifetime of amazing work, we owe a debt of thanks to Adams.

    George Perez arrived in comics a decade after Adams, but he also had an immediate impact. 

   The first work of his I remember seeing was in the page of the black-and-white Marvel magazine, The Deadly Hands of Kung Fu. It was a splash panel with a bird's-eye view of New York, and I was amazed at the detail that went into every building - this was an artist to watch for!

    In addition to doing amazing work, Perez was also prolific, crafting several monthly titles regularly - something few artists have been able to manage, especially when you're talking about team comics. 

    I believe at one point he was drawing the Inhumans, the Fantastic Four and the Avengers at the same time! 

    One of the things that set Perez apart was that he was obviously a comics fan himself - you could see it in the care he lavished on every title!

    He managed two separate runs on the Avengers - one with writer Steve Englehart and, years later, with Kurt Busiek. But he didn't stop there - he went to DC and (with Marvel Wolfman) co-created The New Teen Titans, and changed DC forever with the Crisis on Infinite Earths series - and then he retooled Wonder Woman for modern audiences and worked on the History of the DC Universe

    Any one of those would make a career, but Perez did so much more for those companies, for the so-called "independent" companies (including CrossGen) - the list goes on and on!

    But best of all, Perez was a wonderful ambassador for comics - he never lost his love for the fans and gave tirelessly to charitable causes.

    It was wonderful to see the industry give back to George at the end, recognizing how beloved he was.

    Both men leave behind a vast catalog of amazing work they created over the decades, and we hope they know how much they were loved and respected by fans all over the world. 


Billy Hogan said...

I briefly met George Perez a few times at MegaCon in Orlando. While I never bought any art from him, he was always a very upbeat and friendly person. Neal Adams was also a regular at MegaCon, but I never talked to him because his art was beyond what I could afford.

Chuck said...

I had seen them both at comics conventions but never really met them. I always struggle with what to say to someone I've idolized for so long. "You're great and I love your work!"