Hey, it’s Free Comic Book Day (and Star Wars Day, too)! Here’s a quick rundown (and even quicker reviews) of the comics I picked up at the comics shop:
- Avengers #1 (Marvel Comics) - New content, with previews for the next storyline that follows War of the Realms, and the just-started-this week Savage Avengers! Surprisingly good, actually. Grade: A-
- Spawn #1 (Image Comics) - A reprint of the first issue of this series which somehow continues to this day. August will see the publication of Spawn #300! Seems impossible, somehow. Grade: B
- Firefly & Buffy the Vampire Slayer #1 (Dark Horse Comics) - Welcome to the Whedonverse, and the creator of the two cult hit TV shows presents three short stories with each. The first introduces us to a new tough as nails character who’ll be showing up in an upcoming issue, and the second and third give us brief (if fierce) stories about the slayer. Good stuff! Grade: A-
- Stranger Things and Black Hammer #1 (Dark Horse Comics) - The first story shows the attempt by a family to deal with the aftermath of facing down monsters - and death! The Black Hammer story is a fun and spooky teaser about heroics in World War II - and more recent super-heroics (sorta). Grade: A-

- Star Wars Adventures (Solo & Tales from Vader’s Castle) #1 (IDW) - A short “quest” story featuring Han and Chewbacca as they go on the easiest scavenger hunt ever, looking for pirate treasure. A fun bit of business. Grade: B
- Riverdale #1 (Archie Comics) - Here we get a quick 10-page teaser for the upcoming story (so much angst about the yearbook) - and lots of ads for upcoming Archie stuff. At least it’s free! Grade: B-
- Vampirella #1 (Dynamite Comics) - I’ve never been a big fan of the character, though (ahem) there’s no denying her charms. This comic includes a preview for an upcoming series, which finds Vampi dealing with the perils of fame, and a reprint of a Kurt Busiek / Art Adams story from the ‘90s, a grim short story about monsters of all kinds. Grade: A-
- Punchline #1 (Antarctic Press Comics) - The birth of a new hero, handled in a completely different way. Terrific art, too! This is what I’d call “a good start.” Grade: A-
- Animosity Tales #1 (Aftershock Comics) - This is a delightfully odd bit of work. What happens if, suddenly, all the animals in the world were able to think? And talk? It’d be crazy, right? Absolutely. Grade: B
- Hope #1 (Source Point Press) - In a world where “Ultras” are feared and misunderstood, it’s easy to understand why those with powers would keep them a secret. But what happens when the secret gets out? This is an interesting start to a “real world” story. Grade: A-
- Grumble vs. The Goon #1 (Albatross Funnybooks) - Hey, it’s a crossover, as the bulldog Grumble pays a visit to the grim (and wacky) world of the Goon! Much mayhem ensues! And there’s a Hillbilly backup story, too! Silly stuff, but grisly fun. Grade: A-
- Captain Canuck #1 (Chapterhouse Publishing) - This comic gave me that feeling of jumping into the deep end of the pool. It introduces a small army of characters, and the only one I was familiar with was the one whose name is in the title. It’s a deep mythology they’re building here, but it was confusing for me. Grade: C+
- Casper’s Spooksville #1 (American Mythology Productions) - This is a fun collection of new stories with Casper and his friends, drawn by Eric Shanower, and some classic reprints, too. Nice to see the Harvey characters back in action! Grade: A-
- Treasury of British Comics Presents Funny Pages #1 (Rebellion) - Here’s a rare chance to enjoy a collection of (mostly) one or two-page comic strips, very much in the juvenile / MAD Magazine style of zany pranks / crazy characters / offbeat humor. Fun, though the print on some of the pages is a bit small for my aging eyesight! Grade: B
- Witch Hat Atelier #1 (Kodansha Comics) - This issue includes three short previews, including a story about the dangers of magic, the secrets hidden in books and playing cards, and the value of libraries and stories! Wonderful, high-energy art - but you’re just getting a tiny sample of the story here. Grade: B+
And those are the ones I gathered out of the 50 or so that were available today. Did I miss any good ones?
1 comment:
I was going to swing by and check out if anything was going on at the LCS but just didn't make it. I saw this video on YT to see what all was being offer. Robbie does a good job describing the comics:
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