Writers Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti decided to wrap up the series with an odd tale under the classic title "Weird Western." It's a disturbing tale of Jonah's final moments on Earth, but the reality of the events are up to the interpretation of the reader.
As the "last" Hex tale it manages to bring closure in a suitably weird way, with a number of disturbing events and revelations along the way.
The art chores are shared by Ryan Sook and Mick Gray on the first half of the book, and Diego Olmos and Jimmy Palmiotti on the rest. Both halves are excellent, but special kudos to Sook, who brings a classic artistic flair to his work that evokes some of the industry's top names, like Alex Raymond, Hal Foster and Bernie Wrightson.
It's a strong finish to the series (with some truly disturbing images) and some cameo appearances that will delight long-time readers.
Thank goodness this isn't the end - the creative teams have done some fantastic work on this series, and I'm anxious to see where they go from here.
Grade: A
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