I'm impressed with how Grant Morrison manages to include elements from the Silver Age adventures of this hero, but keeps it fresh, edgy and modern.
The story is set in Japan. The villain of the piece, Lord Death Man, actually has roots in a mostly forgotten long-ago adventure, but here he is reinvented as a horrific killing machine, and several innocent victims (and at least one hero) suffer as a result of his attacks.
Batman is aided in this adventure by Catwoman, who has an agenda of her own, and the mysterious Japanese hero, Mr. Unknown. It's an entertaining romp (though sometimes a grim one), with lots of twists and unexpected events.
The art is by Yanick Paquette and Michael Lacombe, and it's very good, with lots of dramatic action scenes, great characters and loads of detail.
So far, this series has been a lot of fun, and I'm anxious to see if the result is really the "Batmen of All Nations" approach.
The Silver Age rides again! (And I'm all for it!)
Grade: A-
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