My pal Beau Smith always says good things about the Jonah Hex comic, and it hits a milestone this week, so I thought about picking it up. Then I saw that Darwyn Cooke was the artist, and that sealed the deal.
As you'd expect, the art is fantastic, running the gamut from mythical west to fiery action to the hinges of hades itself.
None of which is intended to take away from the story here by Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti, which is solid as a rock. It weaves a tale of lust, sex, tragedy, revenge and a serious heap o' killing. Who could ask for more?
The story is very much in the vein of a Clint Eastwood Western (is there higher praise?), as one of Jonah's fellow Bounty Hunters decides to go straight, but picks a bad town to do it in. To say more would be to give away too much about a ripping good tale.
A fiftieth issue should be something special. Boy, does this fill the bill.
Highly recommended!
Grade: A
Arghh! I didn't know Darwyn Cooke drew a new book! I went to the store today, but they were sold out. All they had was one with an alternate cover for $10. Shopkeep said they should have more of the regular covers next week. Cooke!
I feel your pain - I passed on the original New Frontiers book. What was I thinking?
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