Perhaps it's just too messy to sort out.
We now have all the mutants who still have their powers hanging out on the island created from Magneto's Asteroid M, which was raised from the bottom of the ocean and I'm not sure if it's floating or what, and I'm not sure how so many mutants have powers when the Scarlet Witch wished them away at the end of the House of M mini-series, but here's the formerly depowered Magneto showing up in this issue with his powers back but Professor X, who seems to have misplaced his eyes and become something of a jerk, doesn't trust his old enemy, but here we get the explanation for how Magneto managed to get his mojo back (no, not that Mojo) - basically by jumping through some improbable plot hoops - and hey, the team is about to be attacked by a mysterious group of non-mutants and... well, you get the idea.
I'm not sure what the answer is to all this - though I'd suggest getting the team back to its roots in New York, and possibly splitting off the swarm of young mutants into a new incarnation of the "X (Xavier) Academy" so the cast can be pared down to something more manageable. Then you can have relationships, character advancement, conflict, that sort of thing - and lose a lot of the confusion that hangs over the book now.
With all that said, this isn't a bad issue - it has the usual solid Matt Fraction story and dependable art from Greg Land - but it's mostly set-up for what promises to be a fun time next month.
A solid ending, but most of the issue was just meh. Sorry.
Grade: B-
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