This comic is (I presume) an odd tribute to the classic black-and-white Marvel Magazines that starred Shang-Chi, Master of Kung Fu. As such, it includes the oddest mix of stories you're likely to encounter.
The title character first appeared in his own title in December 1973, written by Steve Englehart and drawn by Jim Starlin. It was a clever twist on the Kung Fu craze and the idea of creating a comic using the pulp character Fu Manchu, the classic Sax Rohmer villain whose rights Marvel had secured.
The irony is that Marvel no longer holds those rights, so these days Shang-Chi's father is never clearly seen and never referred to by name.
After an outstanding start, different creators took on the title to varying degrees of success. The high points would include outstanding runs by writer Doug Moench with artists Paul Gulacy, Mike Zeck and Gene Day.
Of course, the Kung Fu craze finally waned, and eventually Shang-Chi's comic adventures did likewise (in 1983).
So this issue seems to appear out of nowhere, and like the character's original run, it's quite a mixed bag.
The opening story by writer Jonathan Hickman and artist Kody Chamberlin looks great and is totally off the wall as Shang-Chi takes part in a motorcycle race with a bizarre collection of characters, including Deadpool. It's fun, it's insane, and it makes no sense at all. Nice art, though.
The second story by writer Mike Benson and artist Tom Coker is much more along the lines of an actual Shang-Chi story, as he faces an assassin looking for revenge. Outstanding art, and a lean but effective story.
The third story feels like something that's been sitting in the archives for 30 years. Written by Charlie Huston and drawn by Enrique Romero, it includes a resurrection, belligerent cops and a silly fight sequence.
The final story is a text page by Robin Furth filled with bits of info about the martial arts and featuring some terrific illustrations by Gulacy.
As a fan of the character, I'm glad to see him appearing in a new comic. I just wish it were a better comic. (And why is he wearing tennis shoes on the cover?)
Grade: C
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