See that one on the right? That scene doesn't happen in this issue of the New Avengers. It might happen next issue, and it might not.
Some would call this false advertising, and it seems to be happening a lot to Marvel's books lately. I have no idea if it's a scheduling problem or just miscommunication with the artists. Or maybe they just don't care.
And it's not that there aren't dramatic scenes inside the comic to draw on - there just isn't a dramatic scene that includes The Hood. He does take part in a peppy one-page conversation, though.
So what does happen in this comic? Well, we have a story about Luke Cage, who's near death after being hit by a power drainer last issue. To get the medical treatment he needs, he surrenders to the Dark Avengers, which indicates just how dire his situation is.
At the same time there's a short but sweet battle between the New and the Dark teams, and a fun confrontation between the evil Ms. Marvel and the Night Nurse. (Yes, you read that correctly.)
A tight script by Brian Bendis, and excellent art by Stuart Immonen, although I'm not sure Dave McCaig's colors are the right match - some of the dark color designs don't seem to be matching up well.
I'm still holding out hope that we're getting near the end of the Dark Reign story - it's been a good run, but it's overstayed its welcome.
Oh, and Marvel - try to get that cover problem worked out, willya?
Grade: B+
Sigh. Whatever happened to covers that sold what was inside? Recently it seems covers are just pin ups. Sometimes it's hard for me to figure out if I've gotten a book because the covers are so generic with the hero. Spidey and Thor especially were notorious for this. And false covers like this one are probably worse. I'm with you on the cover thing, Chuck.
Pete, good point about the poster covers Marvel has been using lately - Thor and Ultimate Spider-Man are great examples. Like you, I'm often not sure if I've picked a comic up already because the covers are all the same thing. I always think about those Silver Age Kirby covers - you knew where you stood with those comics!
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