Thursday, September 17, 2009

Blackest Night #3 (of 8)

The good news is, this series continues to live up to its promise - it's yet another excellent "event" comic written by Geoff Johns.

The story is building nicely as DC's heroes begin to realize the enormity of the menace they're facing. The horror of the situation is amplified, as well, and there are some truly disturbing sequences, especially one centering around the original Firestorm.

While I've never been a big fan of zombies, I have to admit that the Black Lanterns are despicable enough to make entertaining (if somewhat single-minded) bad guys. Since they seem to be invulnerable to damage, the menace facing the world seems unstoppable. Emphasis on the word "seems."

The story provides more than its share of surprises, knock-down, drag-out fights and some solid information about a possible solution to the menace.

The art is fantastic, as Ivan Reis continues to turn in some powerful work, great action sequences and does a great job illustrating the genuine emotions at play on the faces of the heroes. He's one of the best in the business right now.

And on a purely fanboy level, I'm really enjoying the team of Green Lantern and the Flash (they are the heart of this series), as they work together (and against) other Silver Age icons with the kind of skill and ability you would expect from two of DC's top heroes.

Despite the often grisly nature of this story, it's a powerful event that's hitting the entire DC Universe, and seems likely to change the status quo. As always, I can't wait for the next issue!

Grade: A-

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