Monday, July 13, 2009

Superman: World of New Krypton #5

So did you ever read a comic, then see the cover a day or two later and think, "Have I read that one yet? Oh yeah, I did."

That was my reaction to the latest issue of Superman: World of New Krypton (and you're right, it's not a good sign).

It features a great cover by Gary Frank, good artwork from Pete Woods and a story that's completely forgettable, except for the final page, which springs something of a surprise on us.

Despite writer James Robinson's efforts, the whole mini-series, which is an exploration of the new world built around the (formerly) bottle city of Kandor, has been a slow slog through a world that's not particularly inviting or all that interesting.

Reading about Krypton in early Superman comics was always fun because of the amazing sights - fire waterfalls, dragons, futuristic cities, flying cars - they were entertaining flights of fancy.

The new stories are more sophisticated, but lack that sense of wonder. Aside from the occasional cityscape and a few lifts from the Superman: The Motion Picture, New Krypton doesn't seem like the kind of place you'd like to visit.

All those wonders out there, and this issue almost entirely takes place in a courtroom, as Superman goes on trial.

I look forward to this story wrapping up so we can get the cast back in action on Earth (and back in Action Comics, too).

Grade: C+

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