It's a story that's been building for a year. Following on the heels of last week's focus on the Superman of Earth-22, we have an issue that puts the spotlight on the man who may or may not be another version of the anti-hero named Magog.
For a (relatively) brand-new character, Magog has a busy little backstory, and this issue helps sort it all out. A decendant of President Franklin Roosevelt, Marine Lance Corporal David Reid was killed in a recent issue of JSA, only to be resurrected as Magog, an incredibly powerful hero.
The story flashes back to show how he joined the military, only to gain unusual powers, which led to Reid joining the JSA.
This issue finds him in the Congo, following Gog (along with other JSA members), when he receives a message from his old unit, and he races off to their rescue. What follows is a surprisingly gruesome and bloody confrontation with some malicious soldiers.
The real point of the story by Peter Tomasi is to give us some insight on Magog and the difficult battles he's faced. It's an interesting back story, but the main character is still very much a mystery - we know he's a soldier and he's had to tackle some grim tasks - but that's about it.
I like the art supplied by Fernando Pasarin and Mick Gray - it's not terribly flashy, but it tells the story in a strong, clear fashion. I look forward to seeing more work from them. The cover by Alex Ross is, of course, outstanding.
This books is essentially another piece of the puzzle in a story that continues to pick up speed. I don't know if it's vital to read this issue (it depends on where the story goes from here) - and the action scenes are probably a little rough for young readers - but it's a solid chapter in the ongoing story, and it leaves me looking forward to the next chapter.
Grade: B
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